Hou Kai-Chun
Status Adjunct Faculty
Name Hou Kai-Chun
Job title Assistant Professor
Education PhD, Industrial Design Institute, National Cheng Kung University
Experience Lecturer, Department of Digital Content and Technology, Taichung University of Education
Industrial Technology Research Institute Innovation Design Group Engineer
Specialty Virtual Reality Design (VR), Digital Game Design, Kansei Engineering, Service Design, Multimedia & Interaction Design, Artificial Intelligence
Office Hour
Websites https://research.asia.edu.tw/TchEportfolio/index_1/109100027
Year Paper Title
2023 Godfrey Steven Semwaiko、張剛鳴(Kang-Ming Chang)、侯愷均(Kai Chun, Hou)*, Colors Preferences in Tanzanian Culture, International Multilingual Journal of Science and Technology, vol.8 no.2 pp.5834-5846, 2023
2022 Yi-Jung Lai、張剛鳴(Kang-Ming Chang)、侯愷均(Kai Chun, Hou)*, Metaverse May Improve Long-Term Health Care Outcomes In Taiwan, International Multilingual Journal of Science and Technology, vol.7 no.4 pp.4787-4793, 2022
2016 何俊亨(Chun-Heng Ho)、侯愷均(Kai Chun, Hou), Design Elements and Design Style of Mobile App Icons, 感性學報, vol.4 no.1 pp.4-27, 2016
2015 何俊亨(Chun-Heng Ho)、侯愷均(Kai Chun, Hou)*, KSII Transactions on Internet & Information Systems, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, vol.9 no.6 pp.2251-2270, 2015
Date of Publication Paper Title
2024.08 侯愷均(Kai Chun, Hou)、陳啟雄(Chi-Hsiung Chen)、許慶賢(Ching-Hsien Hsu)、林信宏(LIN HSIN HUNG), Exploring Virtual Collaboration Platforms for Product Design Courses: A Preliminary Evaluation Study , International Conference of Innovative Technologies and Learning (ICITL 2024), Aug. 2024, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia
2024.03 王宣閔(Hsuan min Wang)、Jessy Lin、侯愷均(Kai Chun, Hou)、孫春在, 不同學習模式在遊戲式數位學習中對運算思維之學習成效 , 第十九屆台灣數位學習發展研討會 (TWELF 2024), Mar. 2024, 東海大學
2024.03 Ivy Wei、侯愷均(Kai Chun, Hou), Exploring the Effectiveness of Integrating Aesthetic Education with Augmented Reality , International Design Conference on Integrated Interdisciplinary Innovation 2024, Mar. 2024, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
2023.10 鄭又禎、茆家麒、侯愷均(Kai Chun, Hou), 虛實互動的戰鬥藝術-論混合實境於藝術策展的技術應用 , 第26屆國軍軍事社會科學學術研討會, Oct. 2023, 中華民國/台北/國防大學復興崗校區
2023.05 王宣閔(Hsuan min Wang)、劉兆原(Zhao-Yuan Liu)、侯愷均(Kai Chun, Hou)、孫春在(Chuen-Tsai, Sun), Developing a smart posture diagnosis system to assist fitness using deep learning , International Conference on Innovation Digital Design, May. 2023, Taiwan/ Tainan/ Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology
2023.05 楊淑君(Stephanie Yang)、侯愷均(Kai Chun, Hou), 數位融合之視多障非點字學習者使用輔助科技初探 , 2023特殊教育國際學術研討會, May. 2023, 中華民國/嘉義/國立嘉義大學
2023.05 侯愷均(Kai Chun, Hou)、孫春在(Chuen-Tsai, Sun)、王宣閔(Hsuan min Wang), Exploring the Motivation of Situational Design Creativity Using Text Generation Artificial Intelligence Models , A Case Study on ChatGPT in Digital Game Design - International Conference on Innovation Digital Design, May. 2023, Taiwan/ Tainan/ Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology
2023.04 楊淑君(Stephanie Yang)、林聯發(LIEN-FA LIN)、侯愷均(Kai Chun, Hou), 視多障生符號運用與溝通表達之個案研究 , 幼兒教育暨早期療育理論與實務國際學術研討會, Apr. 2023, 中華民國/台中/國立臺中教育大學
2023.03 楊淑君(Stephanie Yang)、侯愷均(Kai Chun, Hou), 優質教育與創新之路:以數字點溝通輔具與教學設計為例 , 第十八屆台灣數位學習發展研討會 (TWELF 2023), Mar. 2023, 中華民國/屏東/墾丁
2023.03 楊淑君(Stephanie Yang)、侯愷均(Kai Chun, Hou), Education Design for Number Dots Cognition , Communication Assistive Device and Teaching Modules - International Design Conference on Integrated Interdisciplinary Innovation 2023, Mar. 2023, Taiwan/ Yunlin/ National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
2023.03 杜若慈(JO-TZU TU)、侯愷均(Kai Chun, Hou), Multimedia Dynamic Creation on Mushroom Theme , International Design Conference on Integrated Interdisciplinary Innovation 2023, Mar. 2023, Taiwan/ Yunlin/ National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
2022.07 林聯發(LIN LIEN FA)、Yuan-Ko Huang、侯愷均(Kai Chun, Hou), Social Endorser Advertising Dissemination Mechanism Based on Social, Mobility and Contextual Intelligence , 2022 12th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics, IIAI-AAI 2022, Jul. 2022, Japan/Kanazawa City/The Kanazawa Chamber of Commerce and Industry
2022.05 黃松林(song-lin Huang)、侯愷均(Kai Chun, Hou)、陳秀靜(Hsiu-ching Chen), A Research on the Correlation between Community Resource Capability and Community Service Deman , International Conference on Humanities, Education, and Social Praxis in The Age of The Age of The New Normal, May. 2022, Taiwan/Taichung/Wufeng
2022.05 侯愷均(Kai Chun, Hou)、張剛鳴(Kang-Ming Chang)、林聯發(Lien-Fa Lin), Research on Students' Creative Motivation through Interactive Virtual Reality , The 26th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education(GCCCE 2022), May. 2022, Hong Kong/The Education University of Hong Kong
2022.03 Godfrey Steven Semwaiko、侯愷均(Kai Chun, Hou)、張剛鳴(Kang-Ming Chang), Influence of Immersive Virtual Reality in Understanding Independence Day Ceremony , Interdisciplinary Innovation Design Conference International 2022, Mar. 2022, Taiwan/Yunlin/National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
2022.03 侯愷均(Kai Chun, Hou)、羅日生(Jih-Sheng, Lo)、王宣閔(Hsuan-Min, Wang)、廖家鴻(Chia-Hung, Liao), A Pilot Study on Teaching Strategies for Constructing a Virtual Reality Digital Space with A Trainable Spatial Ability , Interdisciplinary Innovation Design Conference International 2022, Mar. 2022, Taiwan/Yunlin/National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
2022.03 茆家麒(Chia-Chi Mao)、侯愷均(Kai Chun, Hou), Applying the technology acceptance model to evaluate user intention of the virtual battlefield training system , Interdisciplinary Innovation Design Conference International 2022, Mar. 2022, Taiwan/Yunlin/National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
2017.11 許峻翔、侯愷均(Kai Chun, Hou), 運用大數據建構感性設計資料庫 , 以 Amazon 為例 - 2017創價加值與感性實踐研討會, Nov. 2017, 台灣/宜蘭縣/佛光大學
2017.11 李念亞、侯愷均(Kai Chun, Hou), 使用者行為觀察法輔助工具研究 , 2017創價加值與感性實踐研討會, Nov. 2017, 台灣/宜蘭縣/佛光大學
2017.06 侯愷均(Kai Chun, Hou), Beauty under finger – Kansei interface conceptual framework explores the relationship between users and apps interface , Design Management Academy conference 2017, Jun. 2017, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2013.08 侯愷均(Kai Chun, Hou), A preliminary study on aesthetic of apps icon design , IASDR 2013 5th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research, Aug. 2013, Tokyo, Japan
2012.05 盧彥年(Yen-Nien, Lu)、侯愷均(Kai Chun, Hou), Using pupil size variation for evaluating users’ emotion elicited by products , the International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research, KEER, May. 2012, Taiwan/Penghu
2011.08 侯愷均(Kai Chun, Hou), Balance between Beauty and Usability in Kansei Interface for Smartphone , IASDR 2011 4th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research, Aug. 2011, Delft, Netherlands
2009.01 何俊亨、牟采雲、侯愷均(Kai Chun, Hou), 互動式廚房資訊管理系統整合研究初探 , 「智慧生活科技區域整合中心計畫」暨「前瞻優質生活環境計畫」聯合成果發表會, Jan. 2009, 台灣/台北市/台灣大學
Project Title Participator Period
【教育部-教學實踐研究計畫】結合觀察學習實踐環(OSPC)之教學策略對遊戲設計課程學習動機與創作動機之影響 (PHA1122416) 侯愷均(Kai Chun, Hou) 2023.08 ~ 2024.07
【國科會】子計畫一:元宇宙混合實境於產品設計討論中可扮演的積極角色研究 (NSTC 112-2410-H-468-021 -) 陳啟雄(Chi-Hsiung Chen)、侯愷均(Kai Chun, Hou)、許慶賢(Ching-Hsien Hsu)、林信宏(LIN HSIN HUNG) 2023.08 ~ 2024.07
【國科會】多人混合實境於藝術展演技術研究以軍事藝術為例 (NSTC 112-2410-H-468-019-) 侯愷均(Kai Chun, Hou)、茆家麒 2023.08 ~ 2024.07
【教育部】虛實兼備數位共融-元宇宙人才培育數媒力 (1112107440C) 侯愷均(Kai Chun, Hou)、趙文鴻(Wen-Hung Chao) 2023.01 ~ 2023.11
【國科會】提升遊戲自制力、自尊及幸福感且降低遊戲成癮風險之自我調控Apps方案之發展及成效評估 (MOST-111-2410-H-468-007-MY2) 柯慧貞(HUEI CHEN KO)、廖御圻(Yu-Chi Liao)、蔡志仁(Zhi-Ren Tsai)、陳政煥(Cheng-Huan Chen)、侯愷均(Kai Chun, Hou)、藍先元(Lane, Hsien Yuan) 2022.08 ~ 2026.07
Award Name Awarding Unit
2024 金點新秀設計獎(數位互動設計類) 經濟部
2023 第十屆海峽兩岸暨港澳大學生職業技能大賽數位孿生應用開發賽 中國福建省教育廳
2023中亞聯大U21永續智慧創意設計發明競賽-章魚防狼器 本校
2023中亞聯大U21永續智慧創意設計發明競賽-手動螺紋省力切削機 本校
2022創意教具製作競賽-111學年度(傑出獎) 本校
2022第18屆技專校院電腦動畫競賽 教育部
2022中亞聯大U21智慧商品創意設計發明競賽 本校
2021永續智慧創新黑客松 各產業企業
2021創意教具製作競賽-110學年度(佳作) 本校
2021全民社造行動計畫 信義房屋
2021中亞聯大U21人工智慧創意發明競賽 本校
2020永續智慧創新黑客松 逢甲大學
2021創意教具製作競賽-109學年度(優良) 本校
Category Course Code Course Title Year
大學日間部 00U00317A 數位遊戲設計 113
Year Research Title Authors
111 虛擬化身的文化特徵之研究-以社交VR平台為例 VILLOTA VELANDIA, LAURA XIMENA
111 多媒體動態水墨創作研究:以霧峰菇類博物館為例 杜若慈
Year Project name Advising professor Department Student name
112 歐美動畫角色臉部表情感性元素探討 -以迪士尼作品為例 侯愷均 數位媒體設計學系 楊貽掄
Design Publish date Location Creator
2022/02/02 亞洲大學現代美術館 Hou Kai-Chun
虛擬實境互動作品 – Hello War 2022/01/06 國防大學政治作戰學院國防美術館 Hou Kai-Chun
亞洲大學 111級畢業典禮「創新‧躍動」開幕動畫&投影光牆設計 2023/06/11 亞洲大學國際會議中心 Hou Kai-Chun
Activity Name Organizer Area Start Date End Date
【光雕投影】菇之星幻啟航 侯愷均 菇類產學館 2022-09-05 2022-09-05
【水墨動畫】《百菇圖》朝夕 杜若慈、侯愷均 菇類產學館 2022-09-02 2024-07-31
【動畫影片】設計:尋找台灣的色彩——前輩畫家眼中的台灣 李政宗、侯愷均 亞洲大學現代美術館 2022-02-02 2022-06-05
【VR互動系統】政治作戰學院70週年邀請美展 侯愷均、茆家麒 國防美術館 2022-01-06 2022-03-25