洪澄瑜 ( Cheng-Yu Hung)
状态 专任教师
姓名 洪澄瑜 ( Cheng-Yu Hung)
职称 副教授
研究室 / 分机 A408/6408
学历 国立中正大学资讯工程研究所博士
经历 华中师范大学人工智能教育学部 副教授      
研究专长 数码学习, 穿戴式科技(AR/VR), 眼动追踪与脑波分析
在校时间表 113-1洪澄瑜教师在校时程表.pdf
网站 https://sites.google.com/site/hcy98p/home
年度 论文名称
2023 Hung, C. -Y., Lin, Y. T., Yu, S.-J. & Sun, J. C. Y.* , Effects of AR- and VR-based wearables in English teaching materials: The application of an ARCS model-based learning design to improve elementary school students’ learning motivation and performance, Journal of Computers Assisted Learning(SSCI,Q1), vol. 39, 5, pp. 1510-1527, Apr. 2023
2023 Own, C.-M., Cai, T. -T. & Hung, C. -Y.*, Exploring the Potential of Tangible and Multi-touch Interfaces to Promote Learning Among Preschool Children, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies(SSCI/SCI, Q1), vol. 16, 1, pp. 66-77, 2023
2022 Wang, J., Zhang, Y.*, Hung, C. Y.*, & Wang, Q. Y. , Exploring the Characteristics of an Optimal Design of Non-programming Plugged Learning for Developing Primary School Students’ Computational Thinking in Mathematics, Educational Technology Research and Development (ETR&D)(SSCI,Q1), vol. 70, pp. 849-880, Nov. 2022
2019 Hung, C. Y., Sun, J. C. Y. & Liu, J. Y., Effects of Flipped Classrooms Integrated with MOOCs and Gamed-Based Learning on Learning Motivation and Outcomes of Students from Different Backgrounds. , Interactive Learning Environments(SSCI,Q1), vol. 27, 8, pp. 1028-1046, Oct. 2019
2019 Zhang Yi.,  Chen B., Ge, J., Hung, C. Y., & Lin M., When is the best time to use rubrics in flipped learning? A study on students’ learning achievement, Interactive Learning Environments(SSCI,Q1), vol. 27, 8, pp. 1207-1221, Oct. 2019
2017 Lin, Y. R., Hung, C. Y.*, Hung, J. F., Exploring Teachers’ Meta-Strategic Knowledge of Science Argumentation Teaching with the Repertory Grid Technique, International Journal of Science Education(SSCI,Q2), vol. 39, 2, pp. 105-134, 2017
2015 Hung, C. Y., Sun, J. C. Y.*, & Yu, P. T., The Benefits of a Challenge: Student Motivation and Flow Experience in Tablet-PCs-Game-Based Learning, Interactive Learning Environments(SSCI,Q1), vol. 23, 2, pp. 172-190, 2015
2014 Hung, C.  Y.*, Kuo, F. O., Sun, J. C. Y., & Yu, P. T. , An Interactive Game Approach for Improving Students’ Learning Performance in Multi-Touch Game-Based Learning, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies(SSCI/SCI, Q1), vol. 7, 1, pp. 31-37, 2014
课程类别 课程代码 课程名称 年度
大学日间部 00U00074A 互动程式设计 113
大学日间部 00U00074B 互动程式设计 113
大学日间部 00U00235C 毕业专题(二) 113
研究所硕士班 01M00002A 研究方法 113